Saturday, 6 September 2014

"Double double toil and trouble. Fires burn and cauldrons bubble."

Painting all the various bits for a game of siege is coming together. Hope to have some test games soon using the suggestions from the Blood in the Badlands rules.

Boiling oil cauldrons, objective markers, battering ram & siege tower.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Great expectations

Having a review of my goals for this year.

Circle of Blood campaign - hopefully soon.

Painting siege equipment - not yet

Get several units painted - I'd say yes I have done this

Face off against new army books - tick

Play a mega battle or revisit "La Maisontaal" - nope

Monday, 9 June 2014

Going batty

I've struggled with how to get these three bat swarms painted, until I noticed a painting article in a White Dwarf magazine that had a tutorial for painting the bats on the Konrad miniature. This effect worked well I think, now I just have to wait for the next Vampire army book and they might actually see some time on the game table.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Monday, 12 May 2014

With time on my hands

While I'm waiting to get the right hose for my airbrush I thought
I'd try to get my Loremaster of Hoeth painted.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Death and darkness followed in their wake

I've purchased an airbrush and compressor so my next project will most 
likely be the Frostheart Phoenix.

Monday, 28 April 2014

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Life is hell and Cryptolocker Virus

Ok so maybe I exaggerated, I've been spending some time trying to fix a computer virus that has encoded all my .doc, .pdf and lots of my image files. 

On a side note this did encourage me to do some painting, I've finished the ethereal part of my black knights and started on the armour. I've also received my badger airbrush and just need to get a small compressor & hose to start practising.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

All quiet on the western front...

A slow start to the gaming year so far, I don't think I've played a game yet. Several distraction have gotten in the way - A new hobby I'm delving into is metal detecting, I'm not sure what drove me to get into it perhaps watching some cool finds on Youtube most likely. Every 2 cent piece I find brings me closer to retirement and even finding useless metal crap is kind of fun.

Video games are frowned upon by the miniature painting gods and I've sinned terribly. It will take much willpower to break away from that vice.

Family history has also been taking up some time as I've been researching my Great Grandfathers military record, this has proven to be somewhat of a disappointment as his career in the army was a short one. He spent about 6 months getting to the front in France and I believe took part in the Battle of Fromelle which seems to have been a military disaster was wounded and captured.