Monday, 17 September 2012

Well I decided it's time to part with another Warhammer Fantasy army - The Empire. I originally used some of these models when I was collecting and playing Dogs of War. When I sold my Dogs of War army I started to play Empire. I've always found Empire tricky much like Vampire counts, mostly because of having to get spells / prayers off to make the troops useful.

My main reasons for moving this army on are:

1. I will never get this army painted in my lifetime.
2. I didn't intend to play Empire from the onset.
3. From mostly playing the previous book I feel the Empire has taken a hit (see next)
4. Until other book such as High Elves,Skaven,WoC, Dark Elves & Daemons are remade the Empire will not be a fun army to play IMHO.

So now I'm going to focus on painting and bolstering my other two armies - High Elves & Vampire Counts

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Recent addition

I present to you Heinrich Kemmler!

I had arranged a revisit/replay of the Abbey of La Maisontaal scenario (from an old Warhammer Chronicles book) with some friends who have Skaven & Bretonnian armies, The plan was to play this game out this year with the majority if not all of the models painted - hopefully we can still achieve this :)

A photo form the first time we played this game (February 2010)

From memory the Skaven took the day (histoically the Bretonnians won)

Well here goes my first post for blogger.

I'm currently working on a High Elves Lion Chariot which I first under coated back in September 2011. I've finished other projects since then but this one has been on the back burner for some time.

Progress photos below ( from oldest to recent)